Just Say...HELLO!

Monster Shoppin' for SCIENCE...and love?

Episode Summary

On today's episode of the "Just Say...Hello Podcast", we get a glimpse of what it takes to make a monster from the diabolical but questionable mind of Dr. Insano and his lab assistant Steven. Although this time around it seems that making the perfect creature isn't as easy as you would think. Listen in or else you might miss their secret but totally unprepared plan to create a monster masterpiece..MUWAHAHAHA!

Episode Notes

Today's season finale episode of the podcast was edited and produced by the guys at Diencephalon Productions LLC - (www.diencephalon.com)


The  Host  "Steven the Lab Assistant" was performed by Adam Bullock

To find out more about him, please visit www.adambullockvo.com or visit any of his social media channels by searching for @adambullockvo.

"Dr. Insano" was performed by David Giltinan

To find out more about him, please visit www.davidsaysthat.com  and also visit any of his social media channels by searching for @dagiltyman.

Cameo Guest Performer -  Dominic Malnar

Characters -  Podcast Disclaimer Voice and Podcast Outro

To find out more about him, please visit www.voicesbydom.com


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